Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Rev Moon helps renewal in former Soviet Union

This is the story of the Power of a Universal Ideal, how the words of one man can change the course of history, and affect the destiny of nations and people. Rev Moon helped moral and spiritual renewal in the former Soviet Union through International Education Foundation, by teaching the unification principles at seminars, for school education, and books publication. 

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Rev Moon speak about Sex Education, Chastity, Human Fall

Rev Moon's essential teaching is true love. To maintain a pure lineage by keeping their chastity, and have sexual relationship only with one and only one eternal spouse after marriage. In this videos, He also revealed the origin of evil, how the angels influenced Adam & Eve into free sex/premarital sex and ruined the original lineage of God.

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Reverend Sun Myung Moon Autobiography

Autobiography of Rev Sun Myung Moon, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, a best-seller in Korea. It tells the life long story of the most successful religious leader, in pursuit his wish to bring about a world of peace. He is also the founder of Washington Times and plays an important role in the fall of communism.

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